Summer is a good season to replenish qi and blood! 10 standard self-test qi and blood

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  • Time of issue:2021-05-17 17:14
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(Summary description)Qi and blood are the foundational power of the human body, which promotes the circulation of the human body and activates the human immune system. Most of the middle-aged and elderly people suffer from insufficient qi and blood because of their age: pale complexion, dizziness, high blood pressure, insomnia, fear of cold and irritability... …Many illnesses and troubles are related to this lack of qi and blood.

Summer is a good season to replenish qi and blood! 10 standard self-test qi and blood

(Summary description)Qi and blood are the foundational power of the human body, which promotes the circulation of the human body and activates the human immune system. Most of the middle-aged and elderly people suffer from insufficient qi and blood because of their age: pale complexion, dizziness, high blood pressure, insomnia, fear of cold and irritability... …Many illnesses and troubles are related to this lack of qi and blood.

  • Categories:Prospect
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  • Time of issue:2021-05-17 17:14
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Summer is a good season to replenish qi and blood throughout the year


Qi and blood are the foundational power of the human body, which promotes the circulation of the human body and activates the human immune system. Most of the middle-aged and elderly people suffer from insufficient qi and blood because of their age: pale complexion, dizziness, high blood pressure, insomnia, fear of cold and irritability... …Many illnesses and troubles are related to this lack of qi and blood.
Many people think that the summer heat is not suitable for nourishing qi and blood, and they should clear the heat, which is wrong! This is why most Chinese people are deficient in qi and blood: summer is the season of replenishing qi and blood throughout the year! Only those who are full of qi will feel warm in winter and cool in summer.
Self-examination methods for blood deficiency
1. Look at the eyes
Looking at the eyes is actually looking at the color of the whites of the eyes. As the saying goes, "people's old pearls are yellow", which actually means that the color of the whites of the eyes becomes cloudy, yellow, and bloodshot, which indicates that your blood is insufficient. Eyes can be opened wide at any time, indicating that there is sufficient qi and blood; on the contrary, large bags under the eyes, dry eyes, and heavy eyelids indicate insufficient qi and blood.
2. Look at the skin
The skin is white and pink, shiny, elastic, wrinkle-free, and spot-free, which means that there is sufficient qi and blood. Conversely, rough skin, dull skin, dullness, yellowing, whitening, blueness, redness, and long spots all represent poor physical condition and lack of qi and blood.
3. Look at the hair
Black, thick, and supple hair means that there is sufficient qi and blood. Dry hair, hair loss, yellowish hair, white hair, and split ends are all signs of insufficient qi and blood.
4. Look at the ears
By rubbing the ears, you can see the qi and blood state of the 12 muscles and meridians of the human body. Rub the ears five or six times to observe the color: if the color of the ear does not disappear easily, it means there is heat; Indicates lack of blood.
5. The temperature of the touch
If the hands are warm all year round, it means that there is sufficient qi and blood. If the palms are hot or sweaty or the hands are cold, it means that the qi and blood are insufficient.
6. Look at the pulp of the fingers
Whether children or adults, if the finger pulp is flat, weak or thin, it means that the blood is insufficient, while the finger pulp is full and the flesh is more elastic, indicating that the blood is sufficient.
7. Look at the vertical lines on the fingernails
It only appears in the hands of adults, not children. When vertical lines appear on adult fingernails, we must be vigilant, which means that the body is depleted of qi and blood, and there is overdraft, which is a symbol of physical aging.
8. Look at the gums
Small children are not obvious, mainly adults. Recession of the gums means lack of qi and blood. As long as you find that the gap between the teeth has become larger and food is more and more likely to be stuck in the gap between the teeth, you should pay attention to it. The body is already going downhill and aging is accelerating.
9. Watch sleep
If an adult falls asleep quickly, sleeps deeply, breathes evenly, and wakes up naturally, like a child, it means that the qi and blood are full; while those who have difficulty falling asleep, easily wake up easily, urinate more at night, breathe deeply or snoring are all blood deficient .
10. Watch sports
If you have chest tightness, shortness of breath, and fatigue that is difficult to recover during exercise, you will have insufficient qi and blood, and those who are energetic and relaxed after exercise are fine.
Morning porridge and evening tea, nourishing and nourishing
Donkey-hide gelatin, red dates, longan, and black beans are all common blood supplements, but most people are deficient, especially the elderly.
Known Chinese medicine practitioners know that nourishing blood and qi is the first step, but in order to replenish qi, you must first strengthen the spleen, because the spleen and stomach are the source of the biochemistry of qi and blood, and the root of nourishing qi and blood lies in strengthening the spleen.
The first porridge to nourish qi and blood: Codonopsis lotus porridge
Codonopsis has the effects of invigorating the middle and benefiting qi, promoting body fluid and nourishing blood. Indications for deficiency of spleen and lung qi, fatigue, lack of appetite, loose stools, cough, shortness of breath, pale complexion, dizziness, palpitations, thirst, etc. In addition, adding lotus heart is especially in line with the seasonal characteristics of summer.
First, wash the Codonopsis with water, let the lotus seeds, Codonopsis, a proper amount of rice, a few red dates and some dried tangerine peel be put into the pot and boiled for about 80 minutes.
Lotus seeds have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, so when we cook this porridge, remember not to throw the lotus seeds away, the lotus seeds are the treasure. It is recommended that patients take supplements as prescribed by their doctor.
The first tea to nourish qi and blood: red dates and tangerine peel Guyuan tea
Jujube can invigorate the spleen and stomach, invigorate qi and produce body fluid, nourish blood and soothe the nerves, and ease the medicinal properties. Indications for weak spleen and stomach, lack of food, loose stools, palpitations, insomnia, etc. Chenpi can regulate Qi and strengthen the spleen, adjust the middle, dry dampness, and resolve phlegm. Indications for abdominal distention or pain, indigestion due to spleen and stomach qi stagnation.
Brew 2 times a day and drink it as a substitute for tea.
It is recommended that patients take supplements as prescribed by their doctor.

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